❗️ I Hate Pico x Grace ❗️

⚠️ CW: SOME angry swears

❗️ Saying “MY” capitalized a lot when referring to my boyfriend. My boyfriend shouldn’t be shipped with my best friend who ALSO has a boyfriend mk.

I have no problems with shipping PicoxGF! However, there are some people that ship my boyfriend with my best friend! That’s gross. Making a canon gay relationship straight? I don’t think you have your best interests in mind! I understand Pico is bisexual and so he can date women but he’s dating ME.Do NOT interact with me if you ship MY fucking boyfriend with my BEST FRIEND. That’s literally just wrong. I don’t want to be shipped with my best friend either. I am not attracted to women.I know! PicoxBF can really rattle some bones but holy shit! I legit just like MY boyfriend, I don’t even really ship PicoxBF unless it’s the Soft universe because that’s where MY boyfriend is.Stop shipping [Soft] Pico with Grace. Holy shit.Grace HAS A BOYFRIEND. And it’s not MY boyfriend.

Elaborating More

God, the ship is just kinda bad in general! I have nothing against PicoxGF, just this specific pair that CAN be labeled as PicoxGF.Take into account the events of “Chapter 3”, Pico is well aware of my feelings toward them and how stressful things are. They had feelings for me built up during childhood and our parents made us think we kinda had to get married, that’s why my nickname for Grace has been GF, “Grace Fairest”, mostly because it was easier to just say letters.Why the fuck would Pico convince me to run away with him only to leave me for someone I also had to let go? That’s my boyfriend! He wouldn’t do that! He might be bisexual but we aren’t looking for a polyamorous relationship.Also literally: Grace is my BEST FRIEND. Why would they do that to me? Fall in love with Pico, get him to fall in love with them and to break up with me, WHATEVER that’s going on in that sick fantasy? Horrible.Grace is already in a happy relationship with Sven/[Soft] Senpai! They literally think Pico is a school shooter (which he’s not) do you understand how toxic they’d be together? I was never able to convince them back in high school that he wasn’t and I’m not able to now.They’re not going to just forgive him. They were traumatized in the school shooting just as much as Pico was, and years of hatred aren’t just going to fucking disappear because I’m in a relationship with him, they made a point of that in “Chapter 3”.“He has two hands” and he’s holding both of mine. Fuck off.

I believe it is proship because it is toxic and extremely unhealthy at best in my eyes and people are entitled to believe otherwise. I am a [toxic ships are proship] truther and you are entitled to believe that proship is elusively incest and pedophilia, but I do not. So please leave if you think proship is elusively that.